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Archives listing 

1:- 6.25.1948 - Oath of Renunciation 

2:- 6.25.1948 - Statement of Renunciation 

3:- 9.11.1948 - Statement on "leaving" France for U.N. "international" territory" 

4:-11.22.1948 - Oran Declaration (UN GA Speech) 

5:- 12. 9. 1948 - Speech at the Velodrome d’Hiver 

6:- 4.3.1949 - Statement on North Atlantic Pact - NATO 

7:- 7.24.1949 - My reasons for leaving France 

8:- 5.1. 1953 -Petition to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth 

9:- 9.4.1953 - The Ellsworth Declaration (excerpt) 

10:- 8.20.1957 - World Authorization Order No. 1 

11:- 6.8.89 - World Law Proclamation for Mundialized Communities