Introduction to my Cyberworld News of my World Presidential Campaign
Hello Cyberfriend!
Thanks for visiting with me on this one-to-one basis. You and I are now
linked by cyberspace-an infinite region of NO BORDERS! A free "land!" A human
"land." A sovereign "land.". That's the new and awesome
"reality" of cyberspace.
It "places" us all AT ONCE together, mentally,
morally, socially.
The universality of cyberspace compels openness, honesty,
fairness, candor and, in a word, truth. Like the sun, it shines on all alike. Being
universal, it is equitable, democratic, just. It also exposes division, hypocrisy,
Here you and I are Netizens! Shake!
The political equivalent is world citizenship.

My Campaign Platform
Message for World Presidency Campaign - 1999/2000
FROM: Garry Davis
The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of
government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections
which shall be by universal or equivalent free-voting
Article 21(3), Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Dear World Citizen,
As a candidate for World President, I hereby solicit your
World Vote. A
World Ballot is enclosed.
Living in our world community as a fellow human, guaranteed the
right of political choicesee aboveyou can exercise the inalienable right
political franchise now!
I enclose excerpts from statements I have made through the
concerning my reasons for campaigning for this high office.
In brief, I am convinced that without democratic world
government, the
human race is doomed.
While I am not a professional politician, my qualifications for
global office are fairly unique. I have been a declared World Citizen since
the age of 26. I am now 77. I am the author of four books on the subject of
world citizenship, world law, world government and human rights. (See my web
sites: www.garrydavis.org and www.worldgovernment.org.
I have graduated from the East-West University of Brahma-Vidya in
India under the direction of Nataraja Guru receiving a masters degree in
geo-dialectics. This is a new science of human relations based on pure
dialectics, the wisdom science.
Further, I have founded institutions based on the human right
political choice, the first being the International Registry of World
Citizens in Paris in 1949. (750,000 individuals registered during the years
1949-51). The second is the World Government of World Citizens in 1953; the
third, the World Service Authority in 1954 (still operating from Washington,
DC and Tokyo, Japan) and the fourth, the World Government Institute in 1998
(in formation).
I also enclose my campaign brochure and the World Vote Ballot.
You may
photocopy this ballot. It contains the place for nine votes. Please seek 8
additional signatures on the ballot.
Donations may be sent to the account cited on the bottom of this
Any donation of $500 or above will receive my book, Passport to Freedom, a
Manual for World Citizens, plus a subscription to the forthcoming
quarterly World Government News.
Donations of $1,000 or over will receive the book, the quarterly
the booklet World Citizenship, World Government. World Peace, Major
Statements by Garry Davis, Citizen of the World, comprising a section,
World Law Now, with The Ellsworth Declaration (original declaration of
World Government) and my three briefs to the US Supreme Court and the
International Court of Justice, plus a special section on my Letters to
National Officials.
Donations of $10,000 or more will receive an original World
(only 33 left out of a printing of 1,000, a historic collectors item), circa
1956, which I used when first travelling to India to meet with Guru Nataraja
who wrote the Memorandum on World Government .
I will consider myself elected after receiving
votes from 1% of the
worlds population, that is 50 million citizens. As the campaign gathers
momentum, I expect others more qualified than I will announce their global
candidacy for world office at the service of humanity and all humans..
I look forward to representing you on the world level. Together
we can
help save the planet and humanity from the scourge of war and ecological
devastation as we enter the 3rd millenium. .
Yours in one world,
Garry Davis |
CONTACT! This web site is about COMMUNICATION in BOTH
DIRECTIONS! Feel free to e-mail me
with any comments requests or
suggestions! |